By 19 August 2025, all vehicles with a permissible gross weight of over 3.5 tons, with this first-version smart tachograph on board (VDO's DTCO 4.0), and operating across borders must be retrofitted to DTCO 4.1. Please note: PSVs on international journeys to and from the UK, including involving the EU, may be subject to AETR drivers’ hours and tachograph rules. This would then mean that the retrofitting dates for the smart tachograph 2 would no longer apply to these vehicles.

    EU MOBILITY PACKAGE 1 - How to comply with the law and avoid violations

    Fairness and safety

    We’ll now explain what’s behind Mobility Package I and what it means for you. We’ll show you what you need to look out for in the future and how to remain legally compliant with the DTCO 4.0 and its successor, the DTCO 4.1.

    All the important information in one leaflet

    Cabotage - What are the rules?

    Since the 2nd February 2022 drivers using digital tachographs are required to manually enter border crossings on their records, a requirement which has been in place for users of analogue tachographs since 20 August 2020.

    This requirement is especially important for international hauliers as it helps assist with ‘cabotage’. Cabotage refers to the transport of goods or passengers between 2 places in the same country by a transport operator from another country, for the purposes of hire and reward. This is heavily restricted in the UK and abroad.

    However, following the UK´s withdrawal from the EU, under the Transition Agreement the 'cabotage rules' in UK, and for UK hauliers, are different.

    EU hauliers may perform 2 'cabotage' operations in the UK after delivery of an international load. These must be performed within 7 days of delivery of the international load.

    The 7-day period begins on the day of the last unloading of the international delivery.

    UK hauliers may perform 1 'cabotage' operation within the territory of an EU Member State after delivery of an international load. This must be performed within 7 days of delivery of the international load.

    The 7-day period begins on the day of the last unloading of the international delivery.

    UK hauliers may undertake 2 laden journeys from one EU Member State to another EU Member State (a 'cross-trade' trip), without returning to the UK, provided that such journeys follow a journey from the UK.

    The 7-day period begins on the day of the last unloading of the international delivery.

    UK hauliers based in Northern Ireland may perform 2 'cabotage' operations within the territory of Ireland after delivery of the load from Northern Ireland. These must be performed within 7 days of delivery of the load from Northern Ireland.

    The 7-day period begins on the day of the last unloading of the international delivery.


    It is mandatory to enter the country symbol after crossing a border since 02.02.2022. Drivers must make the entry on the tachograph at the first available stop (EU 165/2014). Find out how to do this without losing time in our video.

    Since 21.02.2022, companies are obliged to return vehicles that have been used in international freight transport to an operating site in Germany no later than eight weeks after leaving Germany. (EC 1072/2009) This also applies to vehicles rented abroad and used by the company's branch in Germany.

    Also, since 21.02.2022, cabotage operations are prohibited for four days after the end of authorised cabotage transport operations in an EU member state. The period starts from the day following the last cabotage journey. (EC 1071/2009)

    Companies operating in international freight transport will not need a community license for vehicles weighing more than 2.5 tonnes until 21.05.2022. However, since 21.02.2022, you can already submit corresponding applications to the authorities under national law. (EU 1072/2009) For purely domestic transports, a license is required only from a total mass of 3.5 tonnes. 

    All information on the new cabotage regulations, the associated facilitations for driving personnel and the professional access requirements are available in our whitepaper on EU Mobility Package I:

    Go to Whitepaper


    These are the deadlines

    On or after 21 August 2023, a ‘full’ smart tachograph 2 or ‘transitional’ smart tachograph 2 (e.g. DTCO 4.1) must be fitted into newly registered in-scope vehicles (i.e., goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes and passenger vehicles with 10 or more seats) undertaking international journeys. If the vehicle is operating only within the UK, then a smart tachograph 1 can continue to be fitted (if still available).

    ‍****  Only until 21 February 2024 – see point 4  ****

    On or after 21 February 2024, a ‘full’ smart tachograph 2 or ‘transitional’ smart tachograph 2 must be fitted into all newly registered in-scope vehicles regardless of journey types.


    * Vehicles under the definitions to which the new regulations apply.

    All vehicles > 3.5 t* that still use a 1st-generation analogue or digital tachograph (e.g. DTCO 1.x-3.x) and travel across borders must be equipped with a version 2 smart tachograph (e.g. DTCO 4.1).



    * Vehicles under the definitions to which the new regulations apply.

    All vehicles > 3.5 t* that travel across borders must be equipped with a version 2 smart tachograph (e.g. DTCO 4.1) by 19 August 2025. This means that even the vehicles equipped with a 1st-generation version of the smart tachograph (e.g. DTCO 4.0) must also be retrofitted.



    * Vehicles under the definitions to which the new regulations apply.

    All vehicles > 2.5 t* in international freight transport must be equipped with the advanced smart tachograph (DTCO 4.1).



    * Vehicles under the definitions to which the new regulations apply.

    ** These deadlines depend on the respective entry into force of the EU regulations or the duration of the legislative process.

    VDO recommended retrofitting Tachographs at the earliest opportunity, or at the vehicles next calibration date if this falls before the deadlines set out above.

    Why is retrofitting to the new Smart Tachograph Version 2 so important?

    Failure to do so could lead to significant fines and/or legal consequences. There are 9 main transport corridors within Europe and you can see how an International transport company could be affected by checking out the articles on our blog page: CLICK HERE

    Alternatively, if you want to find out about those transport corridors that go through the UK and Ireland, download the service information note 1000011 - CLICK HERE

    VDO DIGITAL TACHOGRAPHS Your reliable companions – also in the future

    The DTCO 4.0 is already playing a leading role in enforcing and monitoring the new standards. It not only ensures the complete and proper documentation of the recorded driver and vehicle data, but it also complies with the new safety and control requirements that came into force in 2019, ensuring that fleets comply with working, social and traffic regulations.


    To comply with the Mobility Package 1 future regulations, the DTCO 4.0 must be enhanced to include several functions, such as even more accurate positioning. The DTCO 4.1 will fulfil all EU requirements.


    THE NEW DTCO 4.1 The next generation of smart tachographs

    The new DTCO 4.1 will detect and store a vehicle’s border crossings. The device will also log the position and time during loading and unloading and will be able to record this information together with driver and vehicle data for at least as long as the new regulation requires it. The new version will provide reliable data even more securely for more efficient traffic and trade monitoring.

    Unlike its predecessor, the DTCO 4.1 will use the European Galileo signal (OS-NMA), one of the first industrial applications to do so. OS-NMA stands for Open Service Navigation Message Authentication. It is a technique that adds cryptographic protection to navigation messages to provide the best possible protection against cyber attacks.



    VDO’s data management software also provides competent support for fleet companies and fleet management providers during the introduction of the European Mobility Package. The software also ensures security when current and future regulations are being implemented and adhered to.
    This is why Continental’s VDO brand is focusing on the best possible solutions for tomorrow and is already developing more services that will make it easier for fleet managers to monitor and comply with the new rules within the Mobility Package. More about this at the end of the year!




    EXTENDED TACHOGRAPH DUTY Also > 2.5-tonne vehicles in the future

    From 1 July 2026, the tachograph requirement will also apply to vehicles used in international commercial transport, the maximum permissible mass of which exceeds 2.5 tonnes, including trailers or semi-trailers.

    Artisans with vehicles or vehicle combinations with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 7.5 tonnes who transport their equipment or deliver their products within a radius of 100 km from their business location will be exempt from this regulation. Vehicles between 2.5 and 3.5 tonnes used for non-commercial freight transportation are also exempt. Driving must not be the main occupation of the person who is driving the vehicle.


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