Mandatory change to a new tachograph

International transport is facing increasingly complex regulations.

One of them is Regulation 1054/2014, which amends Regulation 165/2014, and which established that first-generation vehicles, from 21st August 2023, must have a V2 second-generation smart tachograph installed.

The implementation of the second-generation V2 smart tachograph in international transport operations is a priority for European Union (EU) countries.

However, the possible lack of stock to satisfy all the demand for registrations of vehicles for professional use, opened the door to applying flexibility in terms of inspection.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) suggested that the replacement of the V1 smart tachograph with a V2 tachograph in vehicles registered between 21st August 2023 and 31st December 2023 could be extended until 18th August 2025.

This extension of the transition period was intended to facilitate the gradual installation of the new device and ensure that transport operators had sufficient time to comply with European regulations.

However, the penalties for not equipping the approved tachograph are NOT the same for all countries in Europe.

For trucking companies, it is crucial to take proactive steps to ensure compliance with these regulations and avoid serious legal and financial consequences.

In the Atlantic Corridor, penalties for non-compliance vary by country, ranging from financial fines to prison sentences.

The Atlantic Corridor is a crucial route for road freight transport companies, covering 8,200 kilometers and connecting: Spain, France, Germany, Portugal and Ireland.

Across the corridor, concrete penalties have been established for all transport operators who do not comply with Regulation 1054/2020 and do not carry the appropriate tachograph in their vehicles.

Tachograph fines in Spain:

In Spain, vehicles registered for the first time between 21st August and 31st December 2023, under the pre-registration regime, which are equipped with a second-generation tachograph version 1, have until 18th August 2025 to replace it with a second-generation tachograph version 2.

If you make international transport and do not equip the smart tachograph version set out in Regulation 1054/2020, an administrative penalty of 2,001 euros may be applied.

In addition, the vehicle will be immobilized and could result in the loss of good repute.

Tachograph fines in France:

In France, exceptional transitional arrangements were adopted for the registration of new vehicles equipped with second-generation version 1 smart tachographs.

A temporary exception measure was added, which allows heavy vehicles with a valid WW provisional registration certificate, valid and established no later than 20th August 2023, to circulate loaded under this provisional registration certificate.

The purpose of this exceptional transitional provision was to respond to a situation of massive influx of applications for registration relating to heavy-duty vehicles. The deadline for obtaining a provisional registration certificate to benefit from its provisions was 20th August 2023.

In addition, the maximum period of validity of such a provisional registration certificate was 6 months. The exception provided for in this order ended on 21st February 2024.

All companies transporting goods in France must bear in mind that falsification of documents or electronic data, providing false information, irregular use, modification of the tachograph or not having installed the corresponding tachograph, entails one year in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros.

In addition, vehicles will be immobilized until the problem has been rectified.

Tachograph fines in Portugal:

Portugal has set significant penalties for those who fail to equip their vehicles with the second-generation V2 smart tachograph.

Fines can range from €1,200 to €6,000, representing a considerable financial impact for transport companies that fail to comply with established regulations.

Tachograph fines in Germany:

In Germany, vehicles with second-generation tachograph version 1 were allowed to be registered from 21st August 2023 until 31st December 2023, upon request and on the condition that  they retrofit the G2 V2 within 24 months.

This circumstance must be included in the registration certificate (24 months from the date of approval), upon presentation of proof by the vehicle manufacturer that the installation of a G2 V2 tachograph was objectively impossible.

Once the 24-month period has elapsed, the authorities must verify compliance with the requirement by asking the owner.

In Germany, failure to have the tachograph installed in accordance with Regulation 1054/2020 is an administrative offence of €1,500.

Tachograph Fines in Ireland:

In Ireland, from 21st August 2023 to 30th November 2023, the registration of new vehicles equipped with a second-generation version 1 smart tachograph was temporarily allowed for domestic traffic only.

Ireland did not impose penalties until January 2nd on vehicles registered between the aforementioned period, which carried out only national traffic and equipped with second generation version 1 intelligent tachographs.

New vehicles carrying out international transport operations, including those between Ireland and Northern Ireland, must be equipped with G2V2 smart tachographs from 21st August 2023.

Do your routes run along the Atlantic corridor?

As you can see, compliance with the regulations related to switching to the second-generation V2 smart tachograph is essential to avoid penalties that can have a significant impact on your company:





Need of an approved tachograph

Fine of up to €2,001, immobilization of the vehicle and loss of good repute.


Not having installed the corresponding tachograph

Fine of up to €30,000 and one year in prison.


Not having an approved tachograph

Fine of 1,200 to 6,000 euros.


Not having the tachograph installed

Administrative offence of 1.500 euros.


We want to stress the importance of transport companies taking proactive measures to ensure compliance with these regulations.

For companies that carry out international transport, it is time to update the tachographs in your vehicles to the second-generation version 2 intelligent model.

With the new regulations of the European Union, if you do drive through the Atlantic Corridor, it is essential to equip your vehicles with the second-generation smart tachograph version 2 to avoid fines and legal problems.

Don't risk receiving financial penalties, having your vehicles immobilised, or losing the reputation of your company. Make the switch now and ensure the profitability of your routes.

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